Parental Mental Health

Many parents with mental health conditions are able to give their children safe and loving care without them being negatively impacted in any way. However there are some parents who may need additional support for their mental health, this can come from friends, family, neighbours and/or medical professionals, and there is no shame in this….

Brew Monday

Today is ‘Brew Monday’, also often referred to as ‘Blue Monday!’ Blue Monday is the third Monday in January and is believed to be the most depressing day of the year. However, many of us know that a calendar alone cannot determine ones mood… therefore Blue Monday is a myth. This is where The Samaritans…

ADHD – Fact File

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects a persons behaviour. ADHD is most commonly diagnosed before the age of 12, however, in some cases it can be diagnosed later in life. There are different types / categories for ADHD, you may have signs and symptoms from both categories, or you may lean…